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Top Fixed Deposit Investment Mistakes To Avoid


by Mahindra Finance


July 1, 2024


5 mins read


Investing your hard-earned money in a fixed deposit is a great way to secure your financial future. They can provide you with funds for financial needs when you might think of taking a personal loan. These low-risk investments offer stable returns in the form of FD return rates at the end of maturity. However, it's crucial to approach fixed deposit investments with planning and avoid common mistakes that can hinder your returns.

In this blog post, we will discuss the top fixed deposit investment mistakes you should avoid. By understanding these pitfalls and following a few simple fixed deposit tips, you can make informed decisions and maximise your returns on fixed deposits.

Investing Without A Target

One of the most common mistakes people make when investing in fixed deposits is doing so without a specific target in mind. While fixed deposits are safe and provide steady gains, they can be even more beneficial if aligned with your overall financial goals. One of the top fixed deposit tips is to integrate your savings, other investments, and fixed deposits into a comprehensive investment plan, so you can diversify and strengthen your financial portfolio. You can even use fixed deposits as collateral for a personal loan.

Investment Not Backed By Research

Another mistake to avoid is investing blindly without conducting proper research. With numerous banks offering various types of fixed deposit schemes, it's essential to compare their offerings and choose wisely. Take advantage of online resources that provide details about different fixed deposit schemes and FD return rates. Research the bank with the highest fixed deposit interest rate and determine whether it aligns with your investment goals.

Not Using A Diverse Planner

Diversification is a key principle in investing, and this applies to fixed deposits as well. Instead of putting all your money into a single fixed deposit, consider spreading your investments across multiple banks or financial institutions. This strategy allows you to mitigate risks and potentially earn better returns.

Evaluate both short-term and long-term fixed deposits when setting your investment goals. Short-term deposits offer flexibility and liquidity, while long-term deposits can provide higher FD return rates. By diversifying your investments and creating a balanced portfolio of fixed deposits, you can maximise your returns.

Not Closely Watching The Investment Progress

Investing in fixed deposits is not a "set it and forget it" approach. Many people make the mistake of only checking their fixed deposit accounts on the maturity date without closely monitoring their progress. By regularly tracking the growth trajectory of your fixed deposit amount, you can ensure that everything is on track.

Keep an eye on any changes in interest rates offered by banks or financial institutions. If you find another institution offering better rates, consider moving your funds accordingly after considering any premature withdrawal penalties.

Thinking FDs Are Immune To Inflation

Fixed deposit investments are not immune to inflation. While they provide stable returns, inflation erodes the purchasing power of your money over time. 

Consider the current inflation rate and choose fixed deposits that offer interest rates higher than the inflation rate.

Additional read: Why Choose Fixed Deposit?


Investing in fixed deposits can be a smart move to secure your financial future, whether in creating a corpus or using it as collateral for a personal loan. But it's important to avoid common mistakes that can hinder your returns. Remember to choose the best schemes by comparing FD interest rates and other factors in different banks. And if you're looking for a trustworthy financial partner to help you with your investment decisions, consider Mahindra Finance. They offer a range of investment options, including fixed deposit, and provide personalized guidance to help you make informed decisions.


Q: What are the best FD schemes available in India?

Several financial institutions including Mahindra Finance offers attractive fixed deposit schemes in India. It's important to compare their interest rates, tenure options, and other features before making a decision.

Q: How can I calculate my fixed deposit returns?

You can use an FD calculator available on Mahindra Finance website to calculate the interest earned on your fixed deposit based on the principal amount, tenure, and interest rate.

Q: Are there any risks associated with investing in fixed deposits?

Fixed deposits are considered low-risk investments. However, there is always a risk of inflation eroding the purchasing power of your money over time. It's important to consider this factor when investing in fixed deposits.

Q: What are some tips for choosing the best FD schemes?

When selecting the best FD schemes, consider factors such as interest rates, tenure options, penalties for premature withdrawal, and the reputation of the bank or financial institution.

Q: Are fixed deposits a better option than personal loans?

Fixed deposits are investments that generate returns over time, while personal loans are liabilities that need to be repaid. The choice between them depends on your financial goals and circumstances.

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