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How To Get The Lowest Used Car Loan Interest Rate

Dreaming of owning a car? With rising prices, purchasing a new one can be financially challenging. However, there’s an alternative – buying a used car. And if arranging the finances is a c...


April 17, 2024

Build emergency fund vs payoff car loan down payment

When it comes to managing your finances, the decision between building an emergency fund or paying off debt can be challenging. On one hand, paying off debt can save you thousands of rupees in interes...


April 17, 2024

Building credit while paying off a car loan

Are you thinking of financing a car? Many of us require some form of financing to purchase a vehicle, but have you ever wondered if a car loan can help build your credit? The short answer is yes, but ...


April 17, 2024

What is APR On a Car Loan?

You have finally found your dream car! But before driving off into the sunset, there’s an important financial aspect you need to understand: the Annual Percentage Rate (APR) on a car loan. ...


April 17, 2024

Car loan fixed vs floating interest rate – Meaning and benefits

Planning to buy a car? Understanding the loan terms is crucial to make an informed choice. When you apply for a car loan, you’ll come across terms like fixed interest rate loans and floating int...


April 17, 2024

How does a car loan modification affect your credit score?

Are you wondering about how to increase your credit score? One way to achieve that is by considering a car loan modification. A car loan modification involves changing the terms of your loan agreement...


April 17, 2024