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Retail Loan Fees and Charges

Schedule of Fees and Charges for Vehicle and other Retail Loans

Sr. No. Nature of Charges Vehicle and other Retail Loans
1 SOA Charges/ Duplicate statement issuance charges Rs.250
2 Pre-Closure Charges / Pre closure working (per statement)
  1. No Foreclosure allowed within 6 months from the loan agreement date.
  2. 6 % of Principal O/s. for pre closure within 24 months after 6th month from the loan agreement date.
  3. 3% of Principal O/s. for pre closure post 24 months from the loan agreement date
3 Documentation Charges As per Scheme / Sanction letter
4 Processing Fee As per scheme / Sanction letter
5 Service Charge As per scheme / Sanction letter
6 Legal, Repossession & Incidental charges
  1. Legal charges – Rs. 25,000 or actual whichever is higher
  2. Repossession charges – Rs.10,000 or actual whichever is higher
  3. Notice charges – Rs.125
7 Stamp Duty At actual as per applicable state law
8 Roll over PDC Charges Rs.500
9 Non PDC Charges (Cash payment mode- one time) Rs.1500
10 Charges for swapping PDCs of one bank to another / Swapping charges (From ECS/PDC) Rs.1000
11 Payment Collection Charges (FVC) Rs.200 Per Transaction
12 Commercial/Personal Use NOC (Conversion subject to Credit Approval) 2% of principal outstanding
13 Duplicate statement for principal & interest breakup in addition to repayment schedule Rs.100/- per statement
14 Issue of duplicate security deposit receipt Rs.250/- per receipt
15 Cheque/ACH/NACH/ECS/Direct Debit Bounce Charges Rs.500 per returned instrument per instance
16 Duplicate NOC Charges Rs. 500 per instance
17 LPG/CNG NOC, Any other Special NOC Rs 500 per instance
18 Penal Charges (Late payment penalty) 3% per month on the amount overdue
19 Assignment charges (from Both the parties) 2% on an outstanding loan
  • Fees and Charges are exclusive of GST and other applicable Taxes, which shall be additionally chargeable as applicable.