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Fraud Advisory

Dear Customer,
We are dependent on the internet for our everyday activities. Convenience brings fraudsters too as scammers use the internet to commit financial frauds. It is important for you to know how to protect yourself against such frauds.

Key pointers to keep in mind

  • Mahindra & Mahindra Financial Services Limited (MMFSL) does not collect cash as part of the processing fees/login fees and neither does the company encourage this mode of transaction.
  • MMFSL never asks the customer to transfer money to a personal account.
  • Be careful while opening links or attachments from unknown third parties.
  • Do not handover your personal documents like Photo ID, address proof or personal information to any unknown person or share them on suspicious sites.

If you find anything suspicious or you want to report a fraud, please write to us at [email protected] or

Reach out on our toll-free number: 1800-233-1234

If you want to visit our nearest branch office (you check the nearest branch through our branch locator here)

Also, please note that our official website is www.mahindrafinance.com. please do not fall prey to imposter websites with other names.

BE(A)WARE – An Initiative by RBI Ombudsman

BE(A)WARE is an Initiative by RBI Ombudsmen to provide maximum practical information of value, especially to those who are inexperienced, or not so experienced, in digital and electronic modes of financial transactions. The booklet is intended to create awareness among the members of public about the modus operandi adopted by fraudsters to defraud and mislead them, while also informing them about the precautions to be taken while carrying out financial transactions. It emphasizes the need for keeping one’s personal information, particularly the financial information, confidential at all times, be-ware of unknown calls / emails / messages, practicing due diligence while performing financial transactions and changing the secure credentials / passwords from time to time. Hence the title BE(A)WARE – Be Aware and Beware!